Meeting Sardar Pargat Singh: Inviting the Hockey Legend as Guest of Honor for the World Punjabi Conference 2024 and Guru Nanak Dev Global University Groundbreaking Ceremony

Today met with Sardar Pargat Singh Ji and invited him as a Guest of Honor for the World Punjabi Conference 2024 and Groundbreaking Ceremony of Guru Nanak Dev Global University on June 22 and 23rd, 2024.

As I walked into the office of Sardar Pargat Singh Ji, the former Indian field hockey player and captain, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. Meeting him is always an honor. I explained about our humble project of opening India’s first university in USA named Guru Nanak Dev Global University. He listened attentively to the project. He congratulated us for this great initiative and he said, “A university after the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji will automatically come into existence. The Almighty is with you and will make this come true.”

As we discussed the details of his participation, Sardar Pargat Singh shared some of his experiences as a player and a coach. He talked about the importance of promoting sports and education in India & globally, and how he had been working towards this goal even after his retirement from hockey and now focusing on the service of people for the betterment of society through his political career.

Sardar Pargat Singh Ji also spoke about the importance of preserving Punjabi culture and language, and how events like the World Punjabi Conference can help in achieving this goal. He expressed his willingness to be a part of this event and to support the cause in any way possible.

After finalizing the details, we shook hands and bid farewell. As I walked out of his office, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for this opportunity to meet one of the greatest defenders in the history of Indian hockey. I knew that his presence at the World Punjabi Conference 2024 and the groundbreaking ceremony of Guru Nanak Dev Global University would be a huge boost for the event and would inspire generations to come.

In conclusion, the meeting with Pargat Singh is always a truly memorable experience. I, personally am a big fan of him for His passion for sports, education, public service and culture. We are looking forward to seeing him as a guest of honor at the World Punjabi Conference 2024 and the groundbreaking ceremony of Guru Nanak Dev Global University, and I’m sure that this event will be a huge success with his support.

Please feel to contact us further for the World Punjabi Conference 2024 and our humble initiative of opening India’s First University named Guru Nanak Dev Global University in Dallas, USA.

#GuruNanakDevGlobalUniversity #WorldPunjabiConference #PargatSingh #GuestOfHonor

2 responses to “Meeting Sardar Pargat Singh: Inviting the Hockey Legend as Guest of Honor for the World Punjabi Conference 2024 and Guru Nanak Dev Global University Groundbreaking Ceremony”

  1. Very good idea to open a university in the name of Guru
    Nanak Dev Ji and an equal good idea is to hold World Punjabi Conference. For your kind information I am the General Secretary,World Punjabi Conference (Regd) , Toronto.We are going to hold the bi-annual conference on July 29-30,2023 in Brampton. If you deem fit , we can co-ordinate with each other.

  2. Excellent visionary project and it’s the need of the current situation in the humanity.