Connecting Punjabi Scholars: Invitation to World Punjabi Conference 2024 and Guru Nanak Dev Global University Groundbreaking Ceremony

May 3, 2024

Mr. Baljit Singh, a founding member of Guru Nanak Dev Global University in Dallas, presented an invitation letter to Dr. Arvind, the Vice Chancellor of Punjabi University Patiala, inviting him to the World Punjabi Conference 2024 in Dallas and the groundbreaking ceremony of Guru Nanak Dev Global University.

The World Punjabi Conference 2024 is a global platform that aims to bring together Punjabi scholars, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs from around the world to exchange ideas, promote Punjabi language and culture, and foster collaboration among the Punjabi diaspora. The conference is scheduled to be held in Dallas, Texas, USA, on June 22 and 23 in 2024.

The groundbreaking ceremony of Guru Nanak Dev Global University will be hosted on June 22, 2024 and Mr. Baljit Singh invited Dr. Arvind to attend. The university is being established in Dallas to provide high-quality, innovative, and inclusive education that prepares students for leadership and success in a globalized world. The university’s vision is to combine the best of Indian and global higher education practices and to be recognized as a leader in promoting academic excellence, research and innovation, and social responsibility.

Mr. Baljit Singh, in his invitation letter, emphasized the importance of Dr. Arvind’s presence at these events, given his significant contributions to the field of Physics, Punjabi language and culture. He also highlighted the opportunity for Dr. Arvind to connect with scholars and entrepreneurs from the Punjabi diaspora and to showcase the achievements of Punjabi University Patiala.

The invitation letter was well-received by Dr. Arvind, who expressed his gratitude for the invitation and his interest in attending both events. He praised the efforts of Guru Nanak Dev Global University Founding g members on their vision in promoting academic excellence and innovation and emphasized the importance of collaboration among Punjabi scholars and entrepreneurs from around the world.

In conclusion, the invitation letter presented by Mr. Baljit Singh to Dr. Arvind for the World Punjabi Conference 2024 in Dallas and the groundbreaking ceremony of Guru Nanak Dev Global University is an important step towards fostering collaboration among the Punjabi diaspora and promoting Punjabi language and culture globally. These events will provide a unique opportunity for scholars and entrepreneurs from the Punjabi community to come together, exchange ideas, and showcase their achievements, and Mr. Baljit Singh’s efforts in this regard are commendable.