Did You Know?
“Depression and anxiety result in an estimated 12 billion working days lost annually, costing the global economy around US$1 trillion in lost productivity as per WHO.”
Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, and the workplace plays a significant role in shaping the mental health of individuals. Decent work not only provides economic stability but also contributes to positive mental health outcomes. However, poor working environments can pose risks to mental health, leading to adverse consequences for both employees and employers. Understanding the impact of work on mental health is essential to create supportive and inclusive workplaces that promote the overall well-being of the workforce.
Free Complimentary Webinar on Nurturing Mental Wellness: Insights and Strategies for a Balanced Life
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Sunday, July 23rd, 2023
8:00p.m IST (India Time) / 10:30a.m EST (New York Time)
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD, advocate for mental health awareness and education
Dr. Madhukar Trivedi, Professor, Psychiatry, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Key Facts:
- Decent Work is Beneficial for Mental Health: Decent work provides individuals with a livelihood, a sense of purpose and achievement, positive relationships, and structured routines. For those with mental health conditions, decent work can foster recovery, confidence, and social functioning. Safe and healthy working environments minimize tension and conflicts, improve staff retention, and enhance work performance and productivity.
- Risks to Mental Health at Work: Poor working conditions, excessive workloads, job insecurity, discrimination, and lack of job control can pose significant psychosocial risks to mental health. Economic recessions and public health emergencies can exacerbate these risks, leading to job loss and financial instability, increasing the likelihood of mental health challenges.
- Global Impact of Mental Health on Work: Depression and anxiety result in an estimated 12 billion working days lost annually, costing the global economy around US$1 trillion in lost productivity. More than half of the global workforce operates in the informal economy, lacking regulatory protections for health and safety, which can have a detrimental effect on mental health.
- Actionable Solutions: To promote mental health at work, governments, employers, and organizations must take several proactive steps:
a. Prevent work-related mental health conditions by managing psychosocial risks in the workplace through organizational interventions.
b. Protect and promote mental health at work by training managers and workers in mental health literacy, awareness, and stress management.
c. Support individuals with mental health conditions to thrive in work through reasonable accommodations, return-to-work programs, and supported employment initiatives.
d. Create an enabling environment for change by strengthening leadership commitment, investment in resources, workers’ participation in decision-making, and compliance with laws and regulations.
The workplace holds immense potential to protect, promote, and support the mental health of individuals. Emphasizing decent work and addressing psychosocial risks at work can lead to better mental health outcomes, increased job satisfaction, and improved productivity. Collaborative efforts between governments, employers, organizations, and workers are essential to create mentally healthy and inclusive workplaces, transforming mental health for all. By prioritizing mental health in the workplace, we can build a healthier and more productive workforce, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.
- World employment and social outlook – Trends 2022. Geneva: International Labour Organization; 2022 (https://www.ilo.org/global/research/global-reports/weso/trends2022/WCMS_834081/lang–en/index.htm, accessed 26 August 2022)
- Women and men in the informal economy: a statistical picture. Geneva: International Labour Organization; 2018 (https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/WCMS_626831/lang–en/index.htm, accessed 26 August 2022).