Art Studio Practice (ART 601)

Course Description

Art Studio Practice (ART 601) is a capstone course designed to provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in their individual artistic interests. In this course, students embark on a focused and self-directed exploration of their chosen artistic medium or theme. The culmination of this exploration is the creation of a cohesive body of work, which will be presented in a public exhibition.

Outline of Major Content Areas

  1. Choosing a Focus: Students select a specific artistic medium, style, or theme to explore throughout the course.
  2. Research and Conceptualization: Researching and developing a conceptual framework for their artistic practice.
  3. Creation and Production: The creation of artworks based on the chosen focus, including experimentation and refinement.
  4. Critique and Feedback: Engaging in peer critiques and receiving feedback from instructors to enhance their work.
  5. Professional Presentation: Preparing and presenting their artworks in a public exhibition or showcase.
  6. Artistic Statement: Developing an artist statement that communicates their creative process and vision.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of Art Studio Practice (ART 601), students will:

  1. Focused Artistic Exploration: Demonstrate the ability to select and sustain a focused area of artistic exploration.
  2. Conceptual Development: Develop a clear and informed conceptual framework for their artistic practice.
  3. Artistic Production: Create a cohesive body of artwork that reflects their chosen focus and artistic growth.
  4. Peer and Instructor Feedback: Utilize feedback from peers and instructors to refine and improve their artwork.
  5. Professional Presentation: Effectively present their artwork in a public exhibition, showcasing their artistic vision.

Methods for Assessing Student Learning

Assessment in Art Studio Practice (ART 601) is designed to evaluate students’ ability to engage in self-directed artistic exploration and create a cohesive body of work. Assessment methods include:

  1. Artwork Review: Evaluation of the final body of artwork based on the chosen focus, considering conceptual development, technical skill, and artistic growth.
  2. Artist Statement: Review of the artist statement, assessing its clarity and its ability to convey the student’s creative process and vision.
  3. Peer Critiques: Participation in peer critique sessions to receive and provide constructive feedback on classmates’ work.
  4. Exhibition Presentation: Assessment of the quality of the public exhibition or showcase presentation.

Art Studio Practice (ART 601) represents the culmination of a student’s artistic journey, allowing them to fully explore their creative potential and showcase their growth as artists in a professional and public setting.