Senior Recital and Portfolio (MUS 601)

Course Description – Senior Recital and Portfolio (MUS 601):

MUS 601 is the culminating capstone course designed for music students, providing them with a platform to showcase their musical talents, creativity, and academic achievements. In this course, students will prepare and perform a senior recital, presenting a selection of musical pieces that highlight their proficiency and artistry. Alongside the recital, students will compile a comprehensive portfolio that includes original compositions, research projects, and reflections on their musical journey throughout their education.

Outline of Major Content Areas:

  1. Senior Recital Preparation:
    • Selection of musical pieces for the senior recital.
    • Rehearsal techniques and stage performance preparation.
  2. Portfolio Compilation:
    • Gathering and organizing original compositions, essays, and research projects.
    • Reflections on personal musical growth and development.
  3. Performance and Presentation:
    • Public performance of the senior recital before an audience.
    • Oral presentation of the portfolio, discussing creative and academic achievements.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of MUS 601, students will be able to:

  1. Musical Proficiency: Demonstrate advanced musical proficiency and artistic expression through the senior recital.
  2. Creative Expression: Showcase creativity and originality through the performance of original compositions.
  3. Research and Analysis: Present research findings and analytical insights into selected musical works.
  4. Portfolio Development: Create a comprehensive portfolio that reflects personal and artistic growth during their music education.
  5. Effective Communication: Effectively communicate the significance and context of their creative and academic work to an audience.

Methods for Assessing Student Learning:

Student learning and achievement in MUS 601 will be assessed through a combination of the following methods:

  1. Senior Recital Performance: Evaluation of students’ musical performance during the senior recital, including technical proficiency, artistic interpretation, and stage presence.
  2. Portfolio Assessment: Examination of the completeness and quality of the portfolio, including original compositions, research projects, and reflections.
  3. Oral Presentation: Assessment of students’ oral presentation skills during the portfolio presentation, including clarity, organization, and the ability to articulate insights.
  4. Written Reflections: Evaluation of written reflections that demonstrate students’ awareness of personal growth and development as musicians.
  5. Audience Feedback: Consideration of audience feedback and reactions during the senior recital.
  6. Peer Review: Peer evaluation of senior recital performances and portfolio presentations.

MUS 601 serves as a culmination of students’ musical journeys, providing an opportunity for them to celebrate their accomplishments and growth as musicians while showcasing their creative and academic achievements to the music community.