Film Genre Studies (FILM 401)

“FILM 401: Film Genre Studies” is a captivating course that delves into the diverse world of film genres. Students embark on an exploration of various genres, including drama, comedy, horror, and documentary. This course combines theoretical analysis with practical application, allowing students to critically examine and create films within specific genres, fostering a deep understanding of genre conventions and storytelling techniques.

Outline of Major Content Areas:

  1. Introduction to Film Genres: An overview of film genres and their significance in cinematic storytelling.
  2. Drama: In-depth analysis of the drama genre, including its historical development, key characteristics, and renowned examples. Students engage in creating dramatic narratives.
  3. Comedy: Exploring the comedy genre, including different comedic styles, humor theory, and classic comedies. Students work on comedic scripts and productions.
  4. Horror: Examination of the horror genre, its evolution, elements of fear, and iconic horror films. Students experiment with creating suspenseful and terrifying cinematic experiences.
  5. Documentary: An exploration of the documentary genre, including its various sub-genres, ethical considerations, and impactful documentaries. Students undertake documentary projects.
  6. Genre Conventions: Analyzing genre conventions, tropes, and audience expectations across different genres.
  7. Genre and Storytelling: Understanding how genre influences storytelling choices, character development, and narrative structures.
  8. Genre Blending: Exploring films that blend multiple genres and the creative possibilities this offers.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of FILM 401, students will:

  1. Genre Familiarity: Gain a comprehensive understanding of major film genres, including drama, comedy, horror, and documentary.
  2. Genre Analysis: Develop the ability to critically analyze films within specific genres, identifying genre conventions and storytelling techniques.
  3. Genre Creation: Create films within various genres, demonstrating a practical understanding of genre-specific storytelling.
  4. Genre Adaptation: Adapt storytelling approaches to suit different genres, experimenting with diverse narrative structures and character development.
  5. Audience Engagement: Understand how genre influences audience expectations and engagement with cinematic works.
  6. Genre Innovation: Explore genre blending and innovative approaches to genre conventions, pushing creative boundaries.

Methods for Assessing Student Learning:

Student assessment in FILM 401 will include the following methods:

  1. Genre Analysis Essays: Evaluation of essays analyzing films within specific genres, assessing students’ ability to identify genre conventions and storytelling techniques.
  2. Genre-specific Film Projects: Assessment of genre-specific film projects, measuring students’ practical understanding of genre-specific storytelling.
  3. Genre Adaptation Exercises: Evaluation of exercises where students adapt storytelling approaches to different genres.
  4. Class Discussions: Active participation in class discussions and debates on genre-related topics.
  5. Genre Blending Projects: Assessment of genre blending projects, encouraging students to experiment with innovative genre combinations.

FILM 401 provides students with a rich understanding of the world of film genres, enabling them to appreciate and create films with a deep appreciation for genre conventions and storytelling techniques.