Film Production Capstone (FILM 601)

“FILM 601: Film Production Capstone” is a culminating course that provides students with the opportunity to apply their filmmaking knowledge and skills in the creation of a major film production project. This course encompasses all aspects of filmmaking, including pre-production planning, shooting, and post-production, culminating in the creation of a final cinematic work.

Outline of Major Content Areas:

  1. Project Concept and Proposal: Students develop a film concept and submit a detailed project proposal for approval.
  2. Pre-Production Planning: Planning and organization of all aspects of the film project, including script development, casting, location scouting, budgeting, and scheduling.
  3. Production Phase: The actual shooting of the film, including directing actors, cinematography, sound recording, and coordinating the film crew.
  4. Post-Production: Editing, visual effects, sound design, and post-production processes to refine the final film.
  5. Film Screening and Evaluation: Presentation and screening of the final film project, followed by peer and instructor evaluations.
  6. Reflection and Analysis: Students reflect on the filmmaking process, discussing challenges, successes, and areas for improvement.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing FILM 601, students will:

  1. Project Development: Develop a comprehensive film concept and proposal, demonstrating creativity and planning skills.
  2. Pre-Production Skills: Effectively plan and organize all pre-production aspects of a film project, including script development, casting, and budgeting.
  3. Production Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in directing, cinematography, sound recording, and coordination of the film crew during the production phase.
  4. Post-Production Expertise: Utilize post-production techniques, including editing, visual effects, and sound design, to refine and enhance the final film.
  5. Film Presentation: Successfully present and screen the final film project to peers and instructors.
  6. Critical Analysis: Reflect on the filmmaking process, analyzing challenges, successes, and areas for improvement.

Methods for Assessing Student Learning:

Assessment in FILM 601 is designed to evaluate students’ ability to plan, execute, and reflect on a major film production project:

  1. Project Proposal: Evaluation of the film concept and proposal for creativity, feasibility, and planning.
  2. Pre-Production Planning: Assessment of pre-production activities, including script development, casting, budgeting, and scheduling.
  3. Production Proficiency: Evaluation of the production phase, including directing, cinematography, and coordination of the film crew.
  4. Post-Production Expertise: Assessment of post-production work, including editing, visual effects, and sound design.
  5. Film Presentation: Evaluation of the final film project’s presentation and screening.
  6. Critical Analysis: Assessment of students’ reflection and analysis of the filmmaking process, including identifying challenges, successes, and areas for improvement.

FILM 601 serves as a comprehensive culmination of students’ filmmaking education, allowing them to demonstrate their skills, creativity, and ability to create a final cinematic work. It prepares them for careers in the film industry as directors, producers, editors, and other key roles in film production.