Screenwriting and Story Development (FILM 201)

“FILM 201: Screenwriting and Story Development” is a comprehensive course that delves into the art and craft of screenwriting. It is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to craft engaging and captivating scripts across different genres. This course is an essential foundation for aspiring screenwriters and filmmakers.

Outline of Major Content Areas:

  1. Introduction to Screenwriting: Understanding the role of the screenwriter in the filmmaking process, the significance of a well-structured screenplay, and the difference between writing for film and other mediums like OTT and Television.
  2. Storytelling Fundamentals: Exploring the fundamentals of storytelling, including plot structure, character development, and thematic elements.
  3. Genre Exploration: Analyzing various film genres, such as drama, comedy, thriller, and science fiction, and dissecting the unique storytelling conventions within each genre.
  4. Character Development: Techniques for creating multi-dimensional characters with depth, motivations, and arcs that drive the narrative.
  5. Screenplay Format and Structure: Learning the standard screenplay format, including scene descriptions, dialogue, and screenplay structure, with a focus on the three-act structure.
  6. Adaptation and Original Writing: Understanding the challenges and opportunities of adapting existing material into screenplays and developing original screenplays.
  7. Writing Workshops: Practical exercises in screenwriting, including writing scenes, dialogues, and short film scripts.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of FILM 201, students will:

  1. Master Screenwriting Fundamentals: Understand the principles of screenwriting, including formatting, structure, and storytelling techniques.
  2. Craft Engaging Stories: Develop the ability to create compelling narratives with well-defined characters, conflict, and thematic depth.
  3. Explore Genre Diversity: Gain knowledge of various film genres and their unique storytelling conventions.
  4. Create Complex Characters: Be able to construct multi-dimensional characters with distinct personalities, motivations, and arcs.
  5. Write Professionally: Learn the professional standards of screenplay formatting and presentation.
  6. Apply Skills: Demonstrate their screenwriting skills through the creation of original screenplays and scenes.

Methods for Assessing Student Learning:

Assessment in FILM 201 will be carried out through a combination of methods:

  1. Screenplay Assignments: The primary assessment will involve students writing and revising screenplays and scenes. These assignments will be evaluated based on storytelling, character development, dialogue, and adherence to screenplay format.
  2. Genre Analysis: Analysis and critique of scenes or scripts from various film genres, assessing students’ understanding of genre-specific conventions.
  3. Participation and Peer Review: Active participation in workshops and peer review sessions, where students provide feedback on each other’s work.
  4. Examinations: Periodic examinations assessing students’ comprehension of screenwriting concepts and terminology.

FILM 201 prepares students to become proficient screenwriters capable of crafting engaging and compelling scripts across a range of genres, setting the stage for their future roles in the world of filmmaking.