Webinar on The Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji: A Journey of Spirituality and Compassion

Embark on a journey of spirituality and compassion as we unravel the life and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in an enlightening webinar. This event promises to delve deep into the early life, spiritual awakening, transformative travels, and the everlasting legacy of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Join us to discover the profound messages of oneness, tolerance, and compassion that continue to resonate across the globe.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Gurcharan Singh

Dr. Gurcharan Singh, the esteemed Chairman of the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Inter-religious Foundation in Chandigarh, is a visionary leader and dedicated philanthropist.

Growing up with a deep sense of cultural and spiritual roots, Dr. Gurcharan Singh imbibed the values that would shape his illustrious journey. His passion for education led him to establish the Regional Institute of Management and Administration in collaboration with an American University in 1989, based in Chandigarh. This private educational institution has been instrumental in training around 3000 MBAs, contributing significantly to the field of management and administration.

Dr. Singh’s exceptional contributions to society were recognized with the prestigious Jewel of India Award in 2004, a testament to his extraordinary achievements and dedication to the betterment of education.

In 2008, he founded the World Sikh Foundation, a testament to his commitment to fostering unity and understanding among diverse communities. Subsequently, in 2019, Dr. Gurcharan Singh established the Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Inter-religious Foundation in Chandigarh.

Notably, under his guidance, the foundation celebrated the 550th birth anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji with the theme of “Jagat Guru Baba.” This celebration included the invitation of scholars and a resolution handed over to the Pakistan High Commission in Delhi, advocating for the promotion of Sri Nanakana Sahib as an international tourist hub.

Driven by a profound passion to spread the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Dr. Gurcharan Singh is also an accomplished author. His work, titled “Jagat Guru Baba,” is a testament to his deep understanding of the verses of Guru Ji, reflecting his journey and the energy derived from the wisdom encapsulated in those sacred words.

Embedded in the philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Dr. Gurcharan Singh’s life and work echo the sentiment: ਜਬ ਲਗੁ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਰਹੀਐ ਨਾਨਕ ਕਿਛੁ ਸੁਣੀਐ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਹੀਐ “As long as we are in this world, O Nanak, we should listen, and speak of the Lord.”

Dr. Gurcharan Singh continues to be a guiding light, promoting education, inter-religious understanding, and the timeless wisdom of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. His unwavering commitment to these principles exemplifies a life dedicated to the service of humanity.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, November 25th, 2023

Time: 8:00 p.m (IST) / 9:30 a.m EST (New York)

Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

Zoom ID: 85369724289


Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights into the spiritual odyssey of Guru Nanak Dev Ji through the eyes of Dr. Gurcharan Singh.