World Punjabi Ambassadors

Call out for the Dallas-Fort Worth residents to become the World Punjabi Ambassadors by hosting the International Participant of World Punjabi Convention 2024.

The participants will be arriving from other states in USA, Canada, India and Europe.

Arrival of the Participants: Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Departure of the Participants: Monday, June 24th, 2024

World Punjabi Ambassadors

Become the World Punjabi Ambassadors by hosting the International Participant of World Punjabi Convention 2024.
Independent Rooms(Required)
How many independent rooms can you make available for the guests. Please select one of the above. The guests will arrive on June 19th and Depart on June 24th, 2024.
Ride for the guest?(Required)
Will you be able to give ride to the guest to the World Punjabi Convention.